I created a homebrew Game Boy game for the 2D Game Jam - 2024 with the theme of time. I joined halfway through, so I only had 5 of the 10 days, but I hope it will still be able to compete with the others.


- "7 Second Stickman" is a challenging puzzle platformer game

- Every 7 seconds, a copy of yourself is created, turning into static platforms

- You must use these platforms to navigate increasingly difficult levels

- Precise timing and positioning are crucial to success

- You can create and export your own levels for others to play

Embark on a challenging journey with "7 Second Stickman," a rage-inducing puzzle platformer that tests your timing and strategy. In this unique game, every 7 seconds, a copy of yourself is created at your current position. These copies turn into static platforms that you must use to navigate through 18 increasingly difficult levels.

As the stickman, your goal is to reach the end of each level using the platforms created by your copies. The challenge lies in precisely timing your movements and positioning to ensure the platforms appear exactly where you need them. Misjudge the timing, and you'll find yourself stuck or falling into perilous traps.

There's also the ability to make and export your own levels for others to play.


7 Second Stickman.gb 256 kB

Install instructions


.gb file works on all Gameboy emulators, and original hardware


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I made a level!

Preset 2:

0, 0, 16, 13

16, 12, 9, 10

16, 10, 7, 16